Chad Stewart is a Real Estate Pro with Rockford Realty Group. I personally update andmaintain my website and this blog. North Florida is a great place to live and work. I work with buyers and sellers for real estate in Lake City, FL, Columbia County, Florida & the surrounding areas. Check back frequently to this blog for Florida real estate news, Market info, technology updates more Lake City FL Real Estate info. Rockford Realty Group
Monday, December 21, 2009
Columbia County FL School Zone Maps
You can check out the maps to find out what school your future home is located in here in Lake City, FL. Columbia County, FL School Zone....
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Natonal Property Values Chart
The U.S. Treasury hopes to speed transactions under new rules, but details count. Realtors should understand the process. Read more.
Click here to view the file with all the details... lots of pages...
Saturday, December 05, 2009
New Mapping Links - Lake City FL Real Estate Maps
Check out the bing map here...!1791
More Geocoding on some higher priced ranged homes in Lake City, FL area...
More Google mappping options for real estate by Chad Stewart...,-82.65976&spn=0.208321,0.301094&z=12&msid=104192750246703441241.000479fd0a1c26b45d8b0
Here are some great houses!!
Nice listings of Lake City FL properties on Google...
Mapping & Data Tools
If you want to get all your listings, or even several hundred listings from your MLS on the maps & web for all to see., check out these steps.. (extensive knowlege of excel, tab delimited text files, google earth, general data management required)
First export all your data files, etc into an excel file & save as a tab delimted.
Using this website at
It will automatically add a latitude & longitute to each listing... you can then save as a KML Google Earth file, or save as a webpage like this..
Then in Google maps you can import the KML file to create a cool page with all your listings mapped..
or save as another rss feed, webpage,etc...
View Lake City FL Homes & Real Estate in a larger map
Friday, December 04, 2009
This means the average buyer has 166% of the necessary income to buy a median priced home.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
this looks like it will make the short sale process much easier!
A good report from the "always optimistic" Lawrence Yun
Saturday, November 07, 2009
It's now law: Buyers get 5 more months to sign a contract, 7 more months to close; Fla. downpayment aid program extended; some move-up buyers get $6,500. Read more.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
It takes a lot more work - home repairs, forms, time and money - to go from a listing to a closing these days. Read more.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
From JAX business - Jacksonville Port Expansion
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The process extends the pain for homeowners, banks and courts; Miami-Dade alone has 135,000 in the pipeline. Read more.
Fewer short sales come up short
While obstacles remain, real estate agents say banks are more willing to negotiate prices upfront. Read more.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Buyers.. Make your move.. Home Prices Up Again in June as Housing Crisis Eases
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Didn't really loose in housing free fall
"You didn’t really lose in housing free fall..... ORLANDO – Aug. 11, 2009 – Stan Smith has some news for longtime homeowners having a pity party over falling house prices in Central Florida: New research shows that current home values are just about where they would have been if the real-estate bubble had never inflated and burst.
A long-term view of the market reveals that, even though prices rose and fell dramatically in recent years, they appear to have settled back into historic patterns, according to an analysis by Smith, a University of Central Florida finance professor."
Blogged by Chad Stewart - Westfield Realty Group in Lake City, FL
Monday, August 10, 2009
Foreclosures Short Sales - from Lake City FL
Here in Lake City, FL similar case as well....
41 home listings in Columbia county, Lake City FL are Bank, Foreclosure, or Short Sales,
That is out of 433 total home listings... Only 10% of the listings...
164 homes sold this year in the county...
58 of those were Bank owned, Foreclosures, or Short Sales...
Again roughly 30% of the market is this...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
$8,000 tax credit for downpayment
Contact me for more info, otherwise contact the local SHIP office.However, the $8,000 as a tax credit, not tax deduction, but a real tax credit has a much broader qualification range, first time home buyer, not owned a home in the last 3 years, and some income limitations, otherwise yea, get $8,000 credit. Now thats nice..
My website with all my contact info is Check it out or contact me with any questions.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bringing the Dream of Homeownership Within Reach:
As part of its plan to stimulate the U.S. housing market and address the economic challenges facing our nation, Congress has passed legislation that grants a tax credit of up to $8,000 to first-time home buyers.
Here is more information about how the 2009 First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit can help prospective home buyers become part of the American dream.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
8,000 reasons to get off the fence.

Check out $8,000 dollar bill & then click this to check out & print the flyer.
There's never been a better time to buy a home. Really.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
All credit goes to Early Bird News for these...
Citizens insurance approves rate changes
Florida's largest property insurer approved a 10% rate hike for many customers, but a 10% rate decrease for some. Read more.
Appeals court upholds 'Save Our Homes'
Alabama residents had filed a suit alleging that it discriminates against property owners who aren't full-time residents. Read more.
Lawsuit filed against growth management bill
Local governments asked a circuit court to reject the law, saying it's an unfunded mandate that Florida law bans. Read more.
Your home's worth: Who can tell these days?
Should home value calculations consider nearby distressed property? Appraisers, real-estate agents and owners disagree. Read more.
Poll: Would-be homebuyers still cautious. More than half say they're not prepared to jump into the market, with a fear of job loss their No. 1 reason. Read more.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
From Florida Assoc of Realtors... Tips & Info sites for home loans...
• Good primer on different types of mortgage borrowing.
• Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.: Offers dozens of mortgage borrowing tips over five pages.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Study: Housing Market in Lake City, FL

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Youtube, Old campsites, & Real Estate
Here is my Youtube channel if you want to check it out.
You can even post the videos right in your blog like this... Check out some of these "homes" ... You definetly want to make sure you have an agent on the ground to check out sites, so you don't end up buying a place like this not knowing what you are getting into... wow, quite the place to drive thru....
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Short Sale & Foreclosure Report for Lake City, FL
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
1099-c Cancellation of Debt on Foreclosure or short Sale,,id=174034,00.html
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Homebuyers credit!!! :)
On July 1, first-time Florida buyers who quality for the federal $8,000 tax credit can use it toward a downpayment. Read more.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lake City, FL Real Estate Sale
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Under a new FHA rule, lenders can allow first-time home buyers to use the $8,000 tax credit as a down payment. Otherwise, buyers wouldn't get the money until they receive their tax return.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Florida Real Estate Market.
A monthly UF survey finds an increase in confidence for the Florida real estate market. "Positive responses ... lead us to believe there is light at the end of the tunnel," says Timothy Becker, director of UF's Bergstrom Center for Real Estate Studies. According to Becker, many respondents believe that government stimulus efforts are working.
Read the full story:
Short Sales & Foreclosures,
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tax Credit
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Florida Real Estate Market
Housing Predictor - which monitors over 250 residential property markets nationwide - says Florida appears to be emerging from the realty slump before any other state, including California. The Sunshine State is seeing population growth, and single-family home and condominium sales have been on the rise for more than six months. Foreclosures and short sales presently account for approximately 67 percent of all sales and often are not included in real estate agents' tallies. Additionally, banks in many Florida housing markets are cranking out more home loans, and sellers finance almost 20 percent of all sales.
Source: First??? (04/21/09) © Copyright 2009 INFORMATION, INC. Bethesda, MD (301) 215-4688
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Despite a changing market, many real estate professionals say open houses still effectively showcase a home. "Anything you can do helps," says Trudy Severa, a sales associate in Reston, Va. "It's a numbers game, and there is no way to know the residual effects [that an open house can have]."Read the full story:
Monday, April 06, 2009
Renters who have never missed a payment sometimes find themselves on the street because a landlord lost their house to foreclosure. But for $25 per year, a new program, RealtyTrac Renter Alerts, will monitor the home and inform renters about any foreclosure activity.Read the full story:
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
There are signs that the housing market is starting to look healthier as many people realize it's a good time to buy a home. One of the best reasons: Uncle Sam is there to help first-time buyers, who are entitled to a maximum $8,000 tax credit on the purchase of their home.Read the full story:
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Florida's existing home sales rose 24 percent in January, making it the fifth month in a row that sales activity increased year-to-year, according to the latest housing data from FAR. Florida Realtors also reported a 13 percent gain in statewide sales of existing condos last month. NAR reported that nationwide sales of existing homes - all housing types - fell 5.3 percent last month; at the same time, inventories fell to a two-year low.Read the full story:
Monday, February 16, 2009
The current version of the economic stimulus contains a tax credit of up to $8,000 for first-time homebuyers only, though it does not have to be paid back if the house is owned for three years or more. The amount is far less than the $15,000 initially expected, and analysts say it will provide only a modest boost to the U.S. housing market.Read the full story:
Friday, February 13, 2009
"The Day the Market got better"
...It was a investment prospect I had last talked to in August of 2007!!!! He was interested in making a purchase again after not have done anything in the past.., well should we say long time...
...A short time before that a land seller called that had not relisted his property, he was now ready to "do something"
...While getting my oil change, the attendant say my real estate name tage & said "I want to buy a home now!"
...a before that I had a development prospect interested again in developing a new retail center...He had been waiting things out for 9 months to a year.
It felt like that on Feb 9th, there was a surge of new activity, especially these "out of the blue" calls of people ready to get things moving again.
So I have officially labled Feb 9th as the day I reached the bottom of the market in terms of activity levels, no where left but up from here... Really throughout he start of the year, buyer, seller, prospect activity has really picked up, and I think it picked up even more in Feb of 2009.
I actually got pretty excited, I love the real estate business (even in a softer market) so I get really excited to see some activity levels coming back again.
So I am officially labeling Feb 9th, 2009 the day the market got better.
Thats all for now..I'm off to market another property, get that happy buyer & happy seller together for a wonderful deal.
Has anybody else had one of these "moments"?? I would love to hear about it. Leave me a comment.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The commercial real estate industry applauded the government's move to include commercial mortgages in a key lending program Tuesday, but experts said the plan's lack of details is disconcerting.Read the full story:
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Many potential buyers think they won't qualify for a mortgage, and that they must have a substantial downpayment first. But some Realtors are using that information to their advantage, hosting "Why Rent Events" that instruct shoppers on how to buy a home right now.Read the full story:
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Thanks. Have a great day.
Home shopping alone - without the help of a professional even when online - can become a huge handicap for home buyers. Here are four reasons:
• Late information. Shoppers who limit themselves to only looking at real estate Web sites will overlook some very good properties, possibly one that is perfect for them, and they won't get up-to-the minute information.
• Fake listings. Web operators sometimes try to collect page views with fake listings to pump up their advertising returns, and that wastes the time of real home shoppers. It's also frustrating for shoppers to find an interesting home that's not available.
Questionable information. Home value Web sites only go so far. Sites like and put prices out there that may or may not be an accurate reflection of neighborhood or housing value. Working with a professional means the buyer gets the benefit of a broader range of knowledgeable resources.
• Process help. Once a home shopper has found a property, working with a pro means they'll follow the right path to close the deal. For anyone except experienced investors, going it totally alone can be risky.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Don't believe everything you read, says NAR. As part of a housing story, a number of media outlets say buyers now need a 20 percent downpayment to get into a home, which is not true. FHA mortgages, for example, require only a 3.5 percent downpayment.Read the full story:
Monday, January 05, 2009
Consumer confidence among Floridians rose five points to 67 in December, reflecting optimism about new presidential leadership in 2009, a University of Florida study finds. Housing prices continue to fall, although some areas of Florida appear to have turned the corner and may benefit from the spring real estate season, says Chris McCarty, director of UF's Survey Research Center.Read the full story:
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Home Affordibility
On this index the higher the number the more affordable it is to buy a home based on interest rates, median home prices, and median income ...
This truly is one of the best times to purchase a home even in the past 20 to 30 years!!!
Great rates, Great prices, things are looking good for 2009.