Thursday, March 29, 2012

Neighborhood Stabilization Program - Columbia County FL

Lake City Board of Realtors:

Columbia County has been awarded Round 3 of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program Grant.

The Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 (NSP3) was established for the purpose of stabilizing communities that have suffered from foreclosures, short sales, and abandonment. Through the purchase and redevelopment of these properties, the goal of the program is being realized. Columbia County is preparing to begin the NSP3 program. Legislation was passed which provides grants to all states and selected local governments on a formula basis. Columbia County received $1,029,844.00 and is implementing two strategies for the use of NSP3 funds, these include property acquisition and rehabilitation for resale to income eligible home buyers and for acquisition and rehabilitation to provide and support the need for affordable rental housing stock and special needs housing supported by non-profit organizations

Please see the Columbia County Website for details. 

Tommy Matthews, Projects Superintendent
Columbia County Board of Commissioners

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