Tuesday, May 27, 2008

THAR' SHE BLOWS. OR NOT.Government forecasters officially predict six to nine hurricanes in 2008, with up to five becoming major storms. However, forecasters say the chances for an above-average season are about 65 percent; the chances for a normal season about 25 percent; and the chances for a slow season about 10 percent, making the outlook sound almost like a guess. Coupled with two recent years of above-average forecasts and below-average storms, Floridians may be getting confused. Two major points must be made, however: One, it doesn't matter if there is only one major storm in 2008 should that one major storm hit your home. Two, less-than-accurate forecasts could make Floridians apathetic about hurricane preparations and forget that they live on a peninsula that sticks out into the ocean like a giant hurricane "Kick Me" sign. Every state homeowner should prepare for the worst even as they hope for the best. For more information, visit floridarealtor.org's "Hurricane Information and Resources" page at: http://www.floridarealtors.org/NewsAndEvents/Before-disaster-strikes.cfm.

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