Quick Market Update:
Right now there are over 380 homes in Columbia County - Lake City area for sale.
Of those total 380 homes listed for sale.
72 are short sales
19 are bank owned or foreclosures.
That leaves alot of other sellers that have their homes on the market.
There are 40 homes currently under contract (Pending) in this area.
There have been 212 homes that have sold this year in the Columbia County, Fort White, Lake City, FL areas. Out of those, 30 have been short sales, 59 banked owned for foreclosures, making the total sales over 40% of our market is distressed properties.
Chad Stewart
Real Estate Pro
Burbach Realty Services.
Chad Stewart is a Real Estate Pro with Rockford Realty Group. I personally update andmaintain my website and this blog. North Florida is a great place to live and work. I work with buyers and sellers for real estate in Lake City, FL, Columbia County, Florida & the surrounding areas. Check back frequently to this blog for Florida real estate news, Market info, technology updates more Lake City FL Real Estate info. Rockford Realty Group
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
What does Short Sale do to Credit & Credit FICO score vs Foreclosure
Audio Podcast that I liked.
How does a Short Sale affect Credit? << Click for Podcast Audio
from: Rob Stewart, Short Sale Realtor with Burbach Realty, Hope Consulting.
Q&A on Short Sales.
How does a short sale affect your credit & credit score?
Answer varies with one biggest question. What is your credit to start with? People that went into short sale being late on credit cards, late on car payments, 12 months late on mortgage, this was the first positive thing they did for their credit & their score actually went up. Credit bureau sees it is they are doing something actually positive to fix their financial situation, vs going into foreclosure & default. People that have never missed a payment, but did short sale got hit pretty bad.
Average hit to FICO score is 75 points, but what you got to know what is far more important that hit on score is the affect that a foreclosure will do. Knock you 200-300 points, stay on records for 7 years, hard to rent, credit card may decline you. With a short sale will be on your record with FHA for about 2 years, and as long as you get your score back up and could potentially buy another home quickly, especially if everything else on credit is clean. Credit impact varies on a whole bunch of factors.
How does a Short Sale affect Credit? << Click for Podcast Audio
from: Rob Stewart, Short Sale Realtor with Burbach Realty, Hope Consulting.
Q&A on Short Sales.
How does a short sale affect your credit & credit score?
Answer varies with one biggest question. What is your credit to start with? People that went into short sale being late on credit cards, late on car payments, 12 months late on mortgage, this was the first positive thing they did for their credit & their score actually went up. Credit bureau sees it is they are doing something actually positive to fix their financial situation, vs going into foreclosure & default. People that have never missed a payment, but did short sale got hit pretty bad.
Average hit to FICO score is 75 points, but what you got to know what is far more important that hit on score is the affect that a foreclosure will do. Knock you 200-300 points, stay on records for 7 years, hard to rent, credit card may decline you. With a short sale will be on your record with FHA for about 2 years, and as long as you get your score back up and could potentially buy another home quickly, especially if everything else on credit is clean. Credit impact varies on a whole bunch of factors.
SHIP has Money to Lend
SHIP has money to lend
SHIP applicants in Columbia, Lafayette, Madison,
Suwannee, and Union County can qualify for down
SHIP payment assistance for amounts between
$12,000 to $25,000 depending on household income
and total number of family members.
Applicants in Columbia, Suwannee and Madison
County must attend a home ownership class.
The next classes are scheduled for October 19th and
20th for Columbia County and December 5th and 6th for
Suwannee County.
Each county has its own lending criteria. For more
information contact Matt Pearson.
SHIP applicants in Columbia, Lafayette, Madison,
Suwannee, and Union County can qualify for down
SHIP payment assistance for amounts between
$12,000 to $25,000 depending on household income
and total number of family members.
Applicants in Columbia, Suwannee and Madison
County must attend a home ownership class.
The next classes are scheduled for October 19th and
20th for Columbia County and December 5th and 6th for
Suwannee County.
Each county has its own lending criteria. For more
information contact Matt Pearson.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Res.net Foreclosure & Short Sale Managment Real Estate

Chad Stewart, Broker Associate with Burbach Realty has just completed training & is now a RES.net REO certified Agent. The AMP certification course give agents the opportunity to advance their REO real estate business skils.
Res.net AMP puts the agent at the center of the RES.NET community, ultimately empowering their position in the real estate transaction. From start to finish, the Accelerated Management Platform (AMP) connects agents to a community of real estate professionals, buyers, and sellers and provides them with tools to accomplish work in the most efficient manner possible
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
July 27, 2011
Attention: Selling Agents
Freddie Mac First Look Initiative Extended to Second Home Purchasers
Effective August 1, 2011, Freddie Mac will offer second home purchasers the opportunity to purchase HomeSteps homes through the Freddie Mac First Look Initiative. The First Look Initiative supports Freddie Mac's mission to stabilize communities and support housing recovery through the creation of affordable home ownership opportunities.
This on-going initiative offers owner occupant homebuyers, second home purchasers, Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) grantees and non-profits engaged in community stabilization efforts the ability to purchase HomeSteps homes during their initial 15 days of listing without competition from investors.
Please Note:
Attention: Selling Agents
Freddie Mac First Look Initiative Extended to Second Home Purchasers
Effective August 1, 2011, Freddie Mac will offer second home purchasers the opportunity to purchase HomeSteps homes through the Freddie Mac First Look Initiative. The First Look Initiative supports Freddie Mac's mission to stabilize communities and support housing recovery through the creation of affordable home ownership opportunities.
This on-going initiative offers owner occupant homebuyers, second home purchasers, Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) grantees and non-profits engaged in community stabilization efforts the ability to purchase HomeSteps homes during their initial 15 days of listing without competition from investors.
Please Note:
- The purchaser does not need to be a first time homebuyer to be eligible; however, they must be buying the home as their residence.
- The Affidavit of Owner Occupancy has been updated and should be used on all new sales.
- The 15 day Initiative time period is based on MLS days, not the date of the listing broker listing.
- In Nevada, Freddie Mac's First Look Initiative window is 30 days.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Lake City Florida - Columbia County Real Estate Market update
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Lake City FL Homes Info |
Greetings! Chad Stewart here with Burbach Realty Services, I just wanted to give you a quick update about our real estate market. Right now in Lake City - Columbia County, we have over 375 homes on the market. With about 75 real estate single family homes sales over the past 3 months, we have around 15 months of supply. While this is still alot, this is down from 17-22 months in previous quarters showing a slight improvement in the market.
Of those 375 homes in the county listed for sale, just over 74 of them (19%) are Foreclosures or Short Sales. Only 18 Foreclosures on the market, but 56 short sales for sale or 14% of the listings.
Of all 2011 YTD single family residential home sales here in Lake City, FL, Columbia County, Florida, and Fort White area, there is a total of 119 sales year to date, 51 of those are Foreclosures & short Sales.

19% of the Listings are Foreclosures & Short sales, but
43% of the Sales are Foreclosures & Short sales.
31% of the sales are Foreclosures.
10% of the sales are Short Sales.
Average Home Sale: $117,000 & Median is $101,000
Average Foreclosure-Short Sale: $95,900 & Median is $79,000
Pending Sales follows along with sales as well although more weighted to pending short sales because they can take much longer & more difficult to actually close. Currently there are 42 pending home sales, 23 of those pending sales or approx 54% are foreclosures & short sales. 11 of those 23 are foreclosures and 12 are short sales.
Given these stats, you can see why hiring a quality Real Estate Pro that is knowledgeable in the area sales, especially short sales negotiations, and has a state of the art marketing plan can be important.
Thanks again. Please comment below if you find these stats interesting. - Chad
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Lake City FL Real Estate Newsletter
Lake City FL Real Estate |
Housing Trends Real Estate eNewsletter is just posted.
Check it out here
Monday, May 02, 2011
How to Sell your Home - Realtor in Lake City FL Real Estate
Great Video about how to sell your home.
For a Lake City FL Home or to sell any real estate in Lake City, FL Contact a Real Estate Pro - Chad Stewart - Burbach Realty Services
For a Lake City FL Home or to sell any real estate in Lake City, FL Contact a Real Estate Pro - Chad Stewart - Burbach Realty Services
Monday, February 28, 2011
Why Use a Professional Realtor
Buying house can be an exciting time for a Buyer, and selling a house can be an exciting time for a seller, but its important to make sure you use a Professional Realtor who is experienced & knowledgeable to help both the buyer & the seller thru the transaction..
This graph help explains some fo the work involved, AFTER the sales contract is signed. Not to metion the details & work needed to get the buyer & seller together in the market in the first place.
This graph help explains some fo the work involved, AFTER the sales contract is signed. Not to metion the details & work needed to get the buyer & seller together in the market in the first place.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Home & Real Estate Listed in Lake City, FL - Video Tour of Home
Beautiful Home in Lake City FL Listed for Sale. Check out this Video Tour. Listing agent in Chad Stewart with Burbach Realty Services. Home listed for $227,900. Upscale home in Callway subdivision of Lake City. This is well worth seeing & a great value for what is included in this top quality built home.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Foundation Announces Columbia County - Lake City FL as the First Six Pillars Community in the State of Florida
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Juli Puckett, jpuckett@FLFoundation.org
(850) 521-1217
Foundation Announces Columbia County as the First
Six Pillars Community in the State of Florida
Tallahassee, Florida (January 28, 2011) – The Florida Chamber Foundation announced that Columbia County has completed the steps to becoming the first Six Pillars Community in the State of Florida during a press conference today. The event took place at Columbia County High School’s Career Center with local leaders who spearheaded this effort for the County’s economic future.
In August of 2009, Columbia County IDA started out on a mission to develop a strategic plan for their community. After a presentation by the Florida Chamber Foundation on the 2030 Project to community leaders, the Columbia County IDA recognized the importance of aligning their efforts with what was being done on a state level by the Foundation.
“Florida is embarking on a new economy and communities across the state must take an active role in designing the future of their regions,” said Dr. Dale Brill, president of the Florida Chamber Foundation. “Columbia County sets the example of how to effectively plan for a new economy that they will be a part of.”
In order to become a Six Pillars Community, a municipality in Florida must complete a 10-step process focused around the Six Pillars for Florida’s Future framework. This framework serves as an organizing force for strategic planning at local, regional and state levels. It provides a means of harnessing fragmented viewpoints into a common and consistent conversation so that thoughtful and productive planning can take place. This ensures that communities across the state of Florida will design plans unique to their area – all connected by a common language that bubbles up to inform the state plan.
“We had a dedicated team of community leaders made up primarily of private business but also included local government, who worked tirelessly to position Columbia County as a player in economic development,” said Gina Reynolds, Deputy Director, Columbia County IDA. “The Six Pillars Community designation offers us the power of collective resources and a unified vision which will bubble up to state-wide efforts.”
The Columbia County IDA identified five strategic goals that will position the county for prosperity, high-wage jobs, and the ability to compete in a global market:
1. The Right Portfolio of Sites
2. High Performing RACEC Catalyst Site
3. Unprecedented Customer Service
4. Outstanding Market Communications
5. Engaged and Informed Partners
Implementation of the strategic goals has been a team effort of community leaders. A trained and equipped workforce is important to the future of the community’s prosperity. Community educators took the lead and developed a Career Academy for Global Logistics at Columbia High School and a Bachelors Degree in Global Logistics at Florida Gateway College. Coupled with the Employ Florida Banner Center for Global Logistics at Florida Gateway College, Columbia County is preparing their workforce in one of their target industries.
Preparations are already underway by working groups focusing on specific areas of development. The working groups will have input into the overall direction and marketing efforts of economic development
(850) 521-1217
Foundation Announces Columbia County as the First
Six Pillars Community in the State of Florida
Tallahassee, Florida (January 28, 2011) – The Florida Chamber Foundation announced that Columbia County has completed the steps to becoming the first Six Pillars Community in the State of Florida during a press conference today. The event took place at Columbia County High School’s Career Center with local leaders who spearheaded this effort for the County’s economic future.
In August of 2009, Columbia County IDA started out on a mission to develop a strategic plan for their community. After a presentation by the Florida Chamber Foundation on the 2030 Project to community leaders, the Columbia County IDA recognized the importance of aligning their efforts with what was being done on a state level by the Foundation.
“Florida is embarking on a new economy and communities across the state must take an active role in designing the future of their regions,” said Dr. Dale Brill, president of the Florida Chamber Foundation. “Columbia County sets the example of how to effectively plan for a new economy that they will be a part of.”
In order to become a Six Pillars Community, a municipality in Florida must complete a 10-step process focused around the Six Pillars for Florida’s Future framework. This framework serves as an organizing force for strategic planning at local, regional and state levels. It provides a means of harnessing fragmented viewpoints into a common and consistent conversation so that thoughtful and productive planning can take place. This ensures that communities across the state of Florida will design plans unique to their area – all connected by a common language that bubbles up to inform the state plan.
“We had a dedicated team of community leaders made up primarily of private business but also included local government, who worked tirelessly to position Columbia County as a player in economic development,” said Gina Reynolds, Deputy Director, Columbia County IDA. “The Six Pillars Community designation offers us the power of collective resources and a unified vision which will bubble up to state-wide efforts.”
The Columbia County IDA identified five strategic goals that will position the county for prosperity, high-wage jobs, and the ability to compete in a global market:
1. The Right Portfolio of Sites
2. High Performing RACEC Catalyst Site
3. Unprecedented Customer Service
4. Outstanding Market Communications
5. Engaged and Informed Partners
Implementation of the strategic goals has been a team effort of community leaders. A trained and equipped workforce is important to the future of the community’s prosperity. Community educators took the lead and developed a Career Academy for Global Logistics at Columbia High School and a Bachelors Degree in Global Logistics at Florida Gateway College. Coupled with the Employ Florida Banner Center for Global Logistics at Florida Gateway College, Columbia County is preparing their workforce in one of their target industries.
Preparations are already underway by working groups focusing on specific areas of development. The working groups will have input into the overall direction and marketing efforts of economic development
Monday, January 10, 2011
SugarSync for 2011 vs Dropbox vs LiveMesh - Great Service for Real Estate Agents
I have been using SugarSync for a month or so now & just upgraded to the paid version. You can get 30 GB of storage, sync, and back for $4.99 a month. If you work with folders in Windows XP or Windows 7 alot, this is a great service & a excellent value.
Example: I am a real estate agent & each of my customers whether they are my sellers (listings) or my buyers, each one of them has a folder. Now that I am nearly 100% all digital in my personal real estate files, I have Mozy to do a once a day backup of my files, but now I also use SugarSync as a 2nd backup. However, the primary purpose of my SugarSync is not the backup its the Sync!
When I go to a closing, I only need to bring my iPad, quicky sync that customers folder to the iPad for offline use, and off I go. Every single file is quickly & easily uploaded for backup & sync as I use my computer.
Also the service allows incredible ease of access & sync with about any device including PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry.
I use a Blackberry Bold as well & there is a great app for viewing & sharing files. Another example is I was recently driving thru a bank teller drive thru when I got a call from another real estate agent. He wanted copies of deed restrictions of one of my listings. I simply grabbed my Blackberry Bold, selected the customers file I needed, clicked the deed restrictions, clicked email, put agent email, & within seconds, the other agent had a email link to download the deed restrictions quickly & easily.
Just another way a real estate agent can keep very up todate, very efficient, & very organized with technology, and all for very reasonable.
Hope you like my real estate tech tip. If you are interested in signing up for a FREE SugarSync 5GB account, click here and you will get 500mb bonus storage. Again its FREE, No credit card required. Its well worth trying out. - Thanks & take care. - Chad
Example: I am a real estate agent & each of my customers whether they are my sellers (listings) or my buyers, each one of them has a folder. Now that I am nearly 100% all digital in my personal real estate files, I have Mozy to do a once a day backup of my files, but now I also use SugarSync as a 2nd backup. However, the primary purpose of my SugarSync is not the backup its the Sync!
When I go to a closing, I only need to bring my iPad, quicky sync that customers folder to the iPad for offline use, and off I go. Every single file is quickly & easily uploaded for backup & sync as I use my computer.
Also the service allows incredible ease of access & sync with about any device including PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry.
I use a Blackberry Bold as well & there is a great app for viewing & sharing files. Another example is I was recently driving thru a bank teller drive thru when I got a call from another real estate agent. He wanted copies of deed restrictions of one of my listings. I simply grabbed my Blackberry Bold, selected the customers file I needed, clicked the deed restrictions, clicked email, put agent email, & within seconds, the other agent had a email link to download the deed restrictions quickly & easily.
Just another way a real estate agent can keep very up todate, very efficient, & very organized with technology, and all for very reasonable.
Hope you like my real estate tech tip. If you are interested in signing up for a FREE SugarSync 5GB account, click here and you will get 500mb bonus storage. Again its FREE, No credit card required. Its well worth trying out. - Thanks & take care. - Chad
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